What to Choose: Shopify, Magento, or PrestaShop?

What to Choose: Shopify, Magento, or PrestaShop?

In this article, we won’t dive into technical details but will discuss the essential differences between these platforms' two main approaches.

Shopify and similar platforms are fully managed solutions controlled by a third-party company. This company handles hosting, ensures uninterrupted operation, and provides the necessary tools for running your online store — all you need to do is manage the content.

Magento and PrestaShop, on the other hand, are open-source solutions that require full management on your end. You’ll need to take care of server maintenance, installation, updates, module configurations, and custom feature development — either on your own or with the help of eCommerce developers.

So, you’re facing two distinct approaches to solving the same problem. Which one should you choose? Let’s share our subjective opinion as eCommerce specialists with over 12 years of experience.

If you’re unsure whether your business idea will succeed, have no experience in online marketing, or lack the budget to start — Shopify is a clear choice. It allows you to gain experience in eCommerce and decide whether this path is right for you without significant upfront investments.

For experienced entrepreneurs, we recommend building an online store on PrestaShop or Magento for several reasons:

  • Full control over your business model: You’re not dependent on third-party company decisions regarding traffic limits, structural changes, API updates, or commission adjustments. You plan and implement changes on your terms.
  • High customization potential: You can fine-tune your store’s functionality and overall service. From fully customizable products to seamless ERP integration and advanced marketing strategies — anything you envision can be built on these platforms.

That’s why we believe platforms like Shopify are comparable to renting an apartment, while developing a store on Magento or PrestaShop is like owning a house with a large plot of land — where you have complete freedom to bring your vision to life and tailor everything to your needs.